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SkillSelect invitation rounds and 189 Visa


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Hi All,

Can anyone explain the SkillSelect system and invitation rounds process???

I'm a Diagnostic Radiographer and recently gained my skills assessment and have finally made it to the minimum requirement for applying to SkillSelect (60 points). I have now submitted my EOI (9/11/17) and from reading a few posts on here and checking the previous invitation rounds I'm a bit confused why there have been no invites for 60 pointers!

Are there any differences for occupations or is it strictly based on points regardless? 

Any help or guidance greatly appreciated.



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There are two main categories. Those being pro-rate occupations and the others non pro-rata. Pro-rata occupations are controlled due to lower demand where the number of invites are split over the year. Non-pro-rata are purely based on where you are in the list. The more points you have the higher up the list you are. Any two EOI with the same points are then ranked on effective date ( date EOI lodgement/amendment). At present there is a back log of EOI meaning the last time a 60 points EOI for non-pro-Rata was a effective date of 21st June. The last 65 point date was about 27th September. I hope this makes sense. 

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I am still on the skills assessment with ANMAC portion, however, and wondering for the EOI and invitations- do you get to see where you are ranked? So if they say they are inviting 1250 on a certain day can you see if with your score you should fall into the 1250? Thanks for helping me understand this very stressful process!

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Unfortunately, we don't get to see where we are ranked. Basically, the more points you have, the quicker you get an invite. 

Depending on how many invitations are being issued for that particular round-the great news is that some occupations e.g. nurses don't need that many points to be invited. I only had 65 and received an invitation on the 1st round ?

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16 hours ago, lhumphreys said:

I am still on the skills assessment with ANMAC portion, however, and wondering for the EOI and invitations- do you get to see where you are ranked? So if they say they are inviting 1250 on a certain day can you see if with your score you should fall into the 1250? Thanks for helping me understand this very stressful process!

From what I've been able to work out you can't see where you are ranked within skillselect. Some people are estimating it through looking at the previous rounds - lowest points getting invited for each profession and the DOE (Date of Effect).

Personally I can't quite figure it all out and the system seems to be a little weird, I was hoping that they would share them out amongst the different occupations but seems it's all about having the highest points regardless. How many points will you be applying with?

I'm a Diagnostic Radiographer with 60 points so hopefully they start to invite some 60 pointers soonish! 

Good luck with the ANMAC, my skills assessment with ASMRT took about 8 weeks including posting times there and back.

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12 hours ago, PsychNurse said:

Unfortunately, we don't get to see where we are ranked. Basically, the more points you have, the quicker you get an invite. 

Depending on how many invitations are being issued for that particular round-the great news is that some occupations e.g. nurses don't need that many points to be invited. I only had 65 and received an invitation on the 1st round ?

Hi PsychNurse,

Do you think they make allowances for sharing the invites amongst the different professions needed? or is it just down to having the highest points?

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Yes I think they make allowances and share invites between the occupation groups to avoid all the invites going to popular occupations with high points.

According to the Skills Select web page:

"Invitations are issued automatically by the SkillSelect system to the highest ranking EOIs, subject to occupation ceilings. This means there will be a limit on how many EOIs can be selected for skilled migration from an occupation group. This ensures that the skilled migration programme is not dominated by a small number of occupations. Once this limit is reached, no further invitations for that particular occupation group will be issued for that programme year. Invitations will then be allocated to intending migrants in other occupation groups even if they are lower ranking."

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