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Pet Insurance, What to take. Help


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Hi, I am new to this site but have been reading lots of posts and found them interesting and helpful. 


I have been living in Australia for 6 years now, I'm from the UK and my partner is Australian. I have decided to make the move back to the UK. I dont have any of my own family in Australia and get very homesick a LOT. Especially now I have the cutest baby niece in the world! I feel like I am missing out. It has been the hardest decision iv ever made as I love life in Australia, I have an amazing job that pays well and an amazing lifestyle here. But..I am really close to my family and I miss not being around them. I in no way miss England but being away from my family is the hard part. Also, I dont think I could stay here forever, or have kids here as i dont want to feel trapped. I go back once a year and find it harder to come back to Australia each time. Im 28 and when I left the UK i was fresh out of Uni and moved over here straight away so im a bit nervous getting into the UK workforce. My partner has just got his British passport as his parents are originally from England. He has said he would move back and try it but he doesnt really enjoy England and has an amazing job here in Aus and loves the camping 4wd beach lifestyle. 


Anyway my question is, I am taking my dog back to the UK with me and was wondering if anybody has been able to transfer their pet insurance to a UK pet insurance. My dog has been insured since she was a pup and has hip dysplasia which requires regular vet treatment but it all gets covered in the pet insurance. Im a bit worried if i have to open a brand new pet insurance they wont cover for the hip dysplasia!


Also..I am trying to figure out whether I am just going to move back with a suitcase and get rid of everything else or is it worth shipping belongings back. I wouldnt want to take much as I would be moving back in with my parents while i sort everything out. I would only really want to take back lots of clothes, shoes, my Webber Q (haha) and maybe some more material things.


Any help would be appreciated. Still dont know if I am doing the right thing. 

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From a quick read of your post, I'd say you're doing the right thing for the right reasons. You've given it a go here and at 28 you're young enough to start again back in the UK.

If you don't have much stuff then some people use PODs but I don't know the details and I'm sure other's will come a long and advise you more.

Very best luck with your move.

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Your pet insurance will start again. Though there are policies that will cover his condition. 

With regards shipping, there is a thing called Move Cube. This is a sort of in between option and comes in three sizes which vary from something about the size of a wardrobe to one that would fit some furniture. We used a small one which we filled with clothes and personal items. 

You should contact a pet shipping company early as it does take some time. We used Dogtainers who were excellent. 

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Pet insurance would have to be started over. 

I’d not bother shipping the Weber Q tbh. Not if you only have a few personal effects that could go in a small cube or some such. You can buy Weber’s there and the Q range are reasonably priced. 

As to you returning, you seem to be clear as to why and have come to the decision over time. The one thing that did jump out is that your partner isn’t as keen but is prepared to give it a go, which is something. However, if he isn’t happy there you need to keep in mind he may not want to stay or be settled there long term and the implications of that on your relationship. He may be ok but if he doesn’t like it much, it’s a bridge you may have to cross. 

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