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Nurse with 65 points

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On 03/11/2017 at 17:49, stevej said:

We are in same position. Nurse with 65 points EOI effective date of 31st October. Hoping it will be this side of Christmas. 

Hi Stevej I'd be interested to hear on your timeline if possible as we're in similar situation. How long did it take for the EOI to get an Invitation? Do you have a visa granted yet?

Thanks, L

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Dears I got an invite last round. My point was 70 for 189 and eoi doe was 5th December. It's difficult to get invited with 65 or 60 points, try to increase your points. And by the way getting invite is only first step yet a major one as lots of things needs to be completed to get a VISA itself not to say what follows after getting grant...so best of luck guys..

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