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Should i not take my REST (pension) out in order to get PR easier


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Hi there, 

I have now moved back to Sweden and I'm looking for ways to return to Australia. I have almost worked 2 years before returning back to Sweden and I have the option to take out my REST money. 
Someone has adviced me to not take those  money in order to get the PR easier in Australia again. Is this really the facts. It's quite a lot of money hanging there and I want to be sure. 

Any ideas?

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2 minutes ago, VERYSTORMY said:

Do you mean your superannuation?

If so, it will make no difference on any future visa application. However, you should be aware that if you take it out it will be heavily taxed.

Yes, i mean my superannuation. 
 I'm already in Sweden so it doesn't matter. I thought that could impact somehow positive on future visa applications. Then I can take it out i guess. 


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