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EOI submission date - Will adding new baby or applying for 190 change the date


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Hi All

Hoping someone can help answer my question/s. I submitted my expression of interest on 9th July for Construction Project Manager (189 visa). I have 60 points and, although I've worked in the construction industry for 13 years, I can't claim any points for work experience (I worked for the first few years as an architect and, although Vetassess approved my most recent 5 years of work experience as a Construction Project Manager, by the time the first year is taken off for experience, plus a maternity leave and some time working part-time, I'm 3 weeks short of even being able to claim for 3 years). I already have the full 20 points for IELTS English test so there is no easy way to increase my points above 60.

Anyway, when the invites were going out at a rate of 1750 per round in September I thought it was likely that we'd receive an invite in October as 65 pointers are up to date until 12th September, meaning they should start on 60 pointers from 21st June soon. However, now that it's back down to 1250 per round, I saw an estimate on the Iscah website suggesting that it'll be another 7 months before 60 pointers who applied at the start of July get invited. Obviously this could change if the invite numbers increase again.

My issue is that I am due to give birth to my second child at the beginning of November. I was hoping to be invited before then. If I've not yet been invited, do I need to update this information on my EOI and, if so, will doing this put my EOI submission date back from July until November?

Secondly, an option I'm considering is applying for NSW state sponsorship for the 190 visa as we are considering moving to that state anyway. Again, will applying for this push back my EOI date for the 189 visa?

Hope someone out there has some answers ... thanks in advance!

Edited by justme
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Thanks Maggie, great idea on the 2nd EOI. Is it definitely OK to do that - to have two separate EOIs at the same time?

And do you know if there are any additional differences between the 190 and 189, except the necessity to live in the sponsoring state for first two years? I can’t find any additional requirements noted on the NSW sponsorship page and I’m afraid I’m missing something. 

thanks again


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Many people have more than one EOI to give themselves the maximum chances for an invitation.  This isn't a problem.

There's no condition on a 190 visa that states you must live/work in the sponsoring state and I've never heard that anyone's faced any consequences for not doing so.  So it's a moral obligation, not a legal one.  That said, there's been some speculation that in future the states may ask DIBP to clamp down on this more or that it may affect citizenship applications (character aspects if people never attempt to live up to the commitment they made to the sponsoring state), but who knows what may change.  But certainly states are putting more conditions in place such as often requiring the applicant to have a job offer in the state or to have family living there, in order to improve the likelihood that the applicant will move there when the visa is granted.

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