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Nursing Skilled Visa Help


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Hi everybody,

      I'm new to the skilled visa forum and would love any and all advice. I am a nurse (in the United States- we don't have a group like this to reach out to :( ) and I'm already registered with AHPRA. My partner is Australian and we want to move back to Australia this year. I was going to apply for the partner visa, but due to the cost and processing times I was advised that the skilled migrant visa might be the faster and more efficient route. That being said I have a few questions and would love any and all help.


Can I travel to and from Australia while waiting for approval?

Do I have to be outside of Australia when approved?

After being approved was there a certain amount of time that you had to be in Australia by?

And finally for nursing.... is it the general skilled visa migration visa 476/887?

Sorry I'm asking all of the beginner questions. I found these answers to be much more readily available on the partner visa portion of the immigration website (and maybe that means they are stricter while verifying partner visas? but I have no idea really). Thank you all so much for your help!



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