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Points for Australian Work Experience

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Goid Evening All,

I hope some of the vastly more experienced and knowledgeable folks on this forum can help with my query as I start the long process of a visa application?

 I am at the very early stage and am getting everything together for the EOI (Skills Assesment & IELTS). I am hoping for a 189 visa, though I may see about a 190 for the extra points.

I obviously want as many points as possible, I can hopefully get to 65 (assiming a decent IELTs result!) but have an outside chance to bump this up to 70 (or 60 if my IELTS is slightly disappointing) if I can account for Australian work experience. 

My background to seeing if I can claim this  experience (and the events that gave us the taste for the Aussie life) is that I am about to retire from the UK military after 20 years service . In this time I was fortunate to be assigned on an exchange posting, in Qld, with the Australian Defence Force  2013-2016. We loved life Down Under and are itching to get back, hence the decision start the process.

-Can I claim 5 points for This Australian work experience even though I was still paid for by the UK MoD and as such not employed by the ADF?

-If I can, what would I need to do to prove It? A letter from my Australian CO??

-I don't want to lateral transfer to the ADF, I loved the ADF, but 20 years military service in one countries militrary is enough. It's time to see my kids grow up. Hence why I want to go down the 189 route.

Thanks for your help in this. This site is a goldmine of info and has been extremely useful the many times I've lurked around it. Now I'm going max chat for a visa, I thought it was about time to actually write something. 



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Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping not to use an agent as my case is fairly straight forward. If I can get the IELTS pass I can get 65 points, so paying an agent to effectively haggle over 5 points isn't worth it. Especially noting that the invites are down to 65 after the last round. However if I fail the IELTS and need the 5 points to get to 60, then that is another matter.

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