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Working holiday visa for self employed person


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Hi, wondering if anyone here could help me. Tried ringing the High Commission but couldn't get through. 


I'm Australian, but my girlfriend is British. We were looking at going to Australia for about 6 months and getting a working holiday visa for her. She is currently self employed, running a jewellery shop on Etsy where she needs to post out jewellery. 


It's almost like a digital nomad job but she has to do some physical work and send out orders. Is it OK to do this on a WHV? there's very little information for self employed people with these visas. If it's less than 6 months I believe we won't be taxed in Australia which would simplify things. Her business will run from a UK Ltd company. 

As she is allowed to work in Australia she was also considering doing some markets. In which case that money is probably taxable on Australia. 

Also, as I'm Australian, and she's not, do immigration look at that with suspicion? I.e trying to sneak in long term. Our plan isn't to stay, in fact we're in the process of moving to Canada (visa for that takes a year, so we figured we'd do this in between) 

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I came to Australia originally on a WHV as a freelancer.

I spoke to the Tax dept here to find out all the rules. possibly worth a try yourself

she would need to apply for an ABN ( Australian Business Number ) in order to pay Tax etc. 

You can't make and sell products in Australia without one. 

An ABN can be done online but would need an address in Australia and an Australian bank account. ( not 100% on the bank account ) 

bank account can be done on a WHV as I sorted mine with NAB before I arrived and collected a card. 

the address might be a little harder if your traveling around. possibly use a families address since your Australian ?? 

be sure to claim the earnings though. 


But if she is making the products here and selling them back to the UK to UK buyers then it can be done through her UK company and tax. 

Edited by JD3006
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