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Guest helenmaguire

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Guest helenmaguire



we are between Perth, Brisbane and Sydney for our move next year.


However a major factor would be the mosquito situation as I break out in awful lumps when bitten!


So what is the situation in Brisbane area and which areas have the least problem regarding them?






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areas that border water can be a bit worse for mossies ,i didnt get bitten at all this year ,probably because i know to spray or avoid going out between 5-7 ,and after 18mths of screming shut the screen door to the kids its finally sunk in,lol,,it also as made a massive difference enclosing the patio in fly screen.you are going to find them everytwere you just have to learn to keep them away

Cal x

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Guest fatpom

Cals dead right. Its all about mozzie managent... knowing when and how to avoid them. Not living near fresh water helps but only marginally they are a fact of life here... everywhere.


After a while you stop getting bites simply through avoidance just like everyone else.


Getting adult visitors from the UK to shut the screen door is just a difficult as getting kid to. :smile:


Its not just mozzies either... they often get blamed for small midges... so small you can't see them.


Sprays have their place but only in very strict moderation.

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Guest mandy1


I hate Mozzies 'cause like yoou I have an allergy to their bites and come up in horrible bumps but as the others have said you learn to avoid them. Shutting the fly screens, spraying repellent, having the citronella candles lit when your sitting outside etc.. I have found that in the four months I've been here I've been bitten less and less.


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Guest KirstyM

I feel your pain, I am also allergic to mozzie bites but in the spirit of one upmanship I don't only come out in massive bumps - I have a physical histamine reaction which means a fever, dizzyness, and elevated heart beat! It's a great night in, trust me. ROFL.


As others have said its a matter of mozzie management. If you're concerned about an area you're thinking of buying in, go stand outside your prospective house as dusk falls. You'll soon know if there's a problem in the area.


The place we bought has fully enclosed patios (fly screen) and I also use citronella torches, mosquito coils, and 95% DEET mosquito repellent.


I rarely get bitten and have regularly travelled to some very mosquito ridden places in Thailand.


Am I mad? Well, yes. Just a bit but you cant let the little sods get the best of you!

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Guest family guy

i agree with the others, they tend to bite more between the hours it gets light to dark, or dark to daylight, they love biting me but only bite my wife now and then but for some crazy reason never bite our daughter, they seem to pick and choose who to bite, i have no idea why.

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Guest Jaynie

Creakybones is a Chemist and suggested taking Vitamin B1, apparently it can emit a smell that puts them off biting you, humans can't smell it so you're not going to be walking around with an odour!lol


If anyone has ever had Radiotherapy it can cause a rather large blister type swelling, this happened to my Aunt who came over here to live.


Metho is supposed to help with the itching according to an old Aussie friend of mine, but I have found 'Aloe Vera Gel' kept in the fridge to be very soothing.

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Guest melly

Mozzies are a big problems but we have a dam at the bottom of the garden :-)


The mozzie coils (tiger) are great and we also use the spray Mozzie FO boughtn at Eumundi markets-no nasty chemicals and really works !

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