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Hello everyone,

Im hoping someone can help me as this site was wonderful for information when we first moved to Australia.

We have been living in NW Sydney for about 8 years and have decided to move out towards the Lake Macquarie area as we have not progressed as much as we would of hoped for (buying a house).  Our kids are settled, work is great things are fantastic apart from the fact we just can't afford to buy a house here and well we are sick of landlords.  

Anyway Im asking for helping with everything in terms of moving so education (high school & Primary) government (state), and very good schools and looking for nice family friendly suburbs plenty of sporting activities (cricket, soccer, netball) and away from high crime areas.  Doesn't have to be on the water just somewhere we can be for the next 30 years raising our kids. This is a massive move for us as we are all so happy where we are.

Any information would be great.  


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