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CPV how long does it take from placing the bond


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Hi everyone , can anyone tell me how long it took from the Bond being placed to being asked for 2nd instalment. Our Daughter placed the Bond beginning of June and we were told we should get word within 2wks as to wether they would accept our Meds as they expired end of May so far we have heard nothing, Also do you hear by letter e-mail or phone that you have got your Visa.

Don't get a lot of joy from our agent as she didn't even let us know we had a case worker and we still don't know the name of the person.

Would appreciate hearing how it worked for anyone else



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Guest cazbeckham

Hi Evelyn


Our Daughter placed the bond in December and I believe it was cleared by 17th December and around the 7th Jan we was going to be asked for teh 2nd instalment when they run out of visas and a halt was put on them till July 08. So with a bit of luck come Tuesday we should here about our visa.


Not sure how this comes though. So anyone out there who has had their CPV maybe they could let us know how you were notified.



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Guest claire&fred

Oh god Caz. The 1st is next week? That is so good. You have waited so long. I bet you could not see this far ahead when they put a stop on them. I hope you are first in the queue. My sister put my mum's Bond down so hopefully she won't be too far behind you. Best of luck to you both and look forward to reading your post saying you have finally got it.



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Guest cazbeckham

Hi Clare


Yes cant wait to see that visa but the downside of all this excitement is that we have not sold our house yet and as you know the market is dire........ Changing Estate Agents on Tuesday 1st as well so as things happen in three's so they say.


1) July 1st Visa arrives

2) July 1st new Estate Agent

3) July 1st House sells



You have to larf eh?




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Guest JoanneHattersley
Hi Clare


Yes cant wait to see that visa but the downside of all this excitement is that we have not sold our house yet and as you know the market is dire........ Changing Estate Agents on Tuesday 1st as well so as things happen in three's so they say.


1) July 1st Visa arrives

2) July 1st new Estate Agent

3) July 1st House sells



You have to larf eh?




:arghh:LAUGH???? LAUGH????


Im crying at this end! LOL! LOL!



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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Evelyn

There are really no hard & fast rules. The POPC are the most obliging people I’ve ever dealt with (the Perth Offshore Parents Centre.)

I’m in the UK. My sister Elaine was “down at Ground Zero in Perth” when she & I dealt with Mum’s CPV application between us.

Elaine deposited Mum’s Bond one Friday. On the same day, she obtained a bank draft for the 2nd Instalment and sent it to the POPC by registered post. We had sent all the money direct to Elaine’s account earlier that week. Try as I did to convince her that there is a concession in the Aussie tax rules that would protect Elaine, she was scared stiff that the tax-man would treat the money as a windfall in Elaine’s hands, so nothing would persuade her that it was safe for her to keep the money in her own account.

The concession appears to be (not that I am any sort of tax-expert) as follows: If A sends B in Oz money, but B will only use the money for the purpose of benefiting A – who is the beneficial owner of the money – then the tax-man will allow the transaction without seeking to profit from it in a situation like this.

However, I couldn’t persuade Elaine not to panic and Mum’s CO was equally understanding with her. I’m 99% sure that it would not have mattered, but sometimes Elaine won’t listen to me! The CO then granted Mum’s visa very quickly, mainly to convince Elaine that DIAC had used the blinking money and the tax-man was not about to come knocking with his hand out!

Hey ho. It kept Little Sister happy, so I guess that was good!

Best wishes


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