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Query about TRN number, applied 189, now thinking of applying 457


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Hi all, 

I applied for 189 on 8th June with 80 points. When I lodged my application -I was eligible for 457 as well and processing times were same for both at that time (75%  processed in 4 months & 90% in 6 months). But as you all may be aware now 457 processing time has gone down to 2 months for 75% applications whereas 189 has become 8 months for 75% and 11 months for 90%. So now I am thinking of applying for 457 as well. My employer has had change in his management (a new director added). He states that he has applied for a new TRN number which should come anytime now. My agent states that we can't apply for 457 till my employer gets his TRN number.  

I have already got my medical and police check done. I have been looking at some of the timelines posted in this forum and people have mentioned 'sponsorship lodged', 'sponsor approved', nomination lodged etc. I would like to know where does getting a TRN number stand in all these? My other question is that is it really worth applying for 457 now? I know it is difficult question to answer and it depends on lot of factors. But I just want to know what other people think about it. I really want to move to Australia asap. My occupation is GP. 

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If i was a GP i certainly wouldnt be moving on a temp visa unless you are planning on only being here a few years anyway. The 189 will take longer to process but means once here you have much more security and freedom and more than anything are not tied to one employer.

Cal x

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56 minutes ago, calNgary said:

If i was a GP i certainly wouldnt be moving on a temp visa unless you are planning on only being here a few years anyway. The 189 will take longer to process but means once here you have much more security and freedom and more than anything are not tied to one employer.

Cal x

Thank you Cal. As I mentioned I have already applied for 189 but since it's taking a long time I was thinking of applying for 457 as well so that I can go there quicker. Obviously it is entirely possible that my 189 visa might come soon after my 457 application in which case I will be withdrawing my 457. I understand about the freedom with 189 but I am not too worried about it at the moment as I won't be changing job soon anyway and by then my 189 would (hopefully) come. My other friends had their 189 visa in 3 months but that was before the rule changes.

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If you look on the threads for 457 visas, there are many people waiting 6 months plus. Add on the time it takes for approval if they haven't sponsored previously and there is every chance that your 189 will come through first. The problem if you applied for a 457 and it came through after the 189, it would cancel the 189

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21 minutes ago, VERYSTORMY said:

If you look on the threads for 457 visas, there are many people waiting 6 months plus. Add on the time it takes for approval if they haven't sponsored previously and there is every chance that your 189 will come through first. The problem if you applied for a 457 and it came through after the 189, it would cancel the 189

Yes that is one of my worries but I can always withdraw the 457 as soon as I get my 189. Isn't it? My employer has sponsored in past. That was my query. What does TRN number signify? He is saying that he should be getting this in a day or two. SO where does it put me in time line for 457.

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