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Partner Visa application help required


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Dear all,

I really need some with partner visa application. I received my PR (visa 189) for AUS in March 2017.  For some personal reason,  I didnt include my family in the migrating dependents. Now, I ffel that I made a big mistake. I am currently outside AUS and family is also outside AUS. I plan to apply for Visa 309 for my family but since the amount is huge, I need to check if I can apply from outside Aus ( as am currently working outside AUS and also not living in AUS). My spouse and I am married for more than 10 years and have 3 kids....


Any suggestion will be helpful. 


Thanks and God bless you....




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29 minutes ago, SRK said:

Dear all,

I really need some with partner visa application. I received my PR (visa 189) for AUS in March 2017.  For some personal reason,  I didnt include my family in the migrating dependents. Now, I ffel that I made a big mistake. I am currently outside AUS and family is also outside AUS. I plan to apply for Visa 309 for my family but since the amount is huge, I need to check if I can apply from outside Aus ( as am currently working outside AUS and also not living in AUS). My spouse and I am married for more than 10 years and have 3 kids....


Any suggestion will be helpful. 


Thanks and God bless you....




Did you include your family as NON-migrating depedents or not include them at all?

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17 minutes ago, SRK said:

Yes, I did included my non-migrating dependents in the application and completed their medical and PCC. Thanks for your response.

Your spouse is the one who applies, not you. You are the sponsor. DIBP may want proof that you actually intend to move to Australia if their visas are granted, they may alo ask for an explanatiinas to why they weren't included the first time round. 

However, that said, there is nothing to stop your spouse from applying while you are all offshore. 

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Thanks for your prompt response. The reason they were not included as I was out of job so cost of application was problem but no I am back in job so now....My plan is to apply while I am currently in job outside AUS,  and once their visa is granted move with them and look for job etc in about 2 years from now. I also plan to buy small apartment during this time.... I still some with few more questions as below:

1) My justification is that since I dont have job in AUS and my family is outside AUS, I m not in position to settle in AUS and will only plan to settle with family i.e after their visa 309 is granted. 

2) Regarding the proof that I actually intend to move, is buying an apartment in AUS justifies my intention? also, any other proof?

3)  Does my Spouse has to apply for visa 309? And any chances of being rejected since I am also outside AUS during my spouse visa application ? I am planning to visit AUS for one week in every six month or so... My fears are tht my visa might get rejected since I am outside AUS???


Thanks and God bless you






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4 hours ago, SRK said:

Hi all,

Any suggestion..Thanks





Suggestions about what? Yes your spouse can apply for a 309, yes you may get asked why you didn't include them originally, yes they may want proof that you intend to move to oz, and yes she may be rejected. Even if you were living in oz there is still a chance she could be rejected. 

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Hi Nemesis,

Thanks for your response. Sorry for pestering you with stupid queries. Please try to understand that I am currently in a situation where I am unable to take decision on how to proceed further and in which direction,..I hope you will not mind if post some few more questions for clarification? 

Thanks and appreciate your response.




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