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Online application - certified documents or not?

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I finalised my submission for the 309 Partner visa a couple of weeks ago, and today I have a mail from the DIBP.  It's requesting a police certificate from Singapore (where I'm living currently), which I was expecting, but it also says the following...


You are required to UPLOAD all the documents below to the IMMI Account:


2. Certified copy all official documents (includes passports, birth certificates, divorced certificate, children’s Australian passport) – applicant, children and sponsor to provide                                   


Now I'm really confused! The guidelines for online submission say Your documents do not have to be certified           


Do you think I've just been sent a standard reply?  Should I get the key documents certified and upload them again anyway?  (I do have some space in my 60 documents still). Is there anyone I should check with?  The email does give stern warnings about not contacting the department unnecessarily, but it does say if I am going to be delayed in uploading to contact the signatory.


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Thanks MaggieMay.  I did reply to the mail in a bit of a panic - she's replied this morning to say We require for the official documents to be certified for partner migration application.  Not what it says in the guidance (which you confirm) but hey ho.  It's not like I'm in a position to argue!  I'm hopeful that the fast fast response means that at least the processing times are low here.  

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Thanks Lisa - that's what literally everything I've read says, and other people have confirmed.  Still, I played nice - got all the official stuff certified (at a cost, of course) and uploaded the certified copies as well.  Thankfully I still had some spare document slots. 

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