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Insurance claim


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Hi all,

Following on from my "Moved back" update I have more information to share!

We had some slight damage to some of our furniture during transit, of course when we are moving overseas many people handle your belongings so blame cannot actually be pinpointed on anyone. Anyway we insured with Letton Percival who were very helpful from the off. We had our furniture, belongings and a motorbike insured. Three pieces of furniture had damage to them, nothing so big that it totally spoilt them but one piece had particularly noticeable damage. We also had a smashed table lamp. I have to say that LP were fabulously easy to deal with with our claim. We emailed them as per the instructions on the policy. They replied setting out what they needed. Basically we had to supply photos of the damage and provide links or screenshots from furniture shops showing prices and pictures of like for like replacements. We also had to email the removal companies in Perth and here advising them of the damage. They usually come back and say they are not to blame, you simply forward this onto LP. 

LP then got back to us within a week advising that the claim was upheld and that we would receive a payout. If items are to be replaced, like our TV unit you simply provide them with a receipt and you get the full amount back. Alternatively they are prepared in some instances to give an upfront payment to help with the cost, depending, I guess, on how much you need to replace. If items are not too badly damaged then they offer you a percentage of the value that you have shown them on the like for like comparisons (so choose wisely on these!) so the more damage the more of a percentage you get. Today, less than three weeks after my initial email I have received payment. So I can definitely recommend LP. I imagine if I had insured through the moving company things might not have been so quick.

Also worth noting is that your goods remain insured for 90 days (but do check the wording of individual policies) after docking or until delivered to your home, whichever is sooner. So for goods in storage they remain covered. 

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Great to know as I'm about to finalise my quote with Chess and not take on their insurance.  I just did a clear out of the filing cabinet and we threw away receipts for some of the furniture, damn it.  Did you have to prove it's value with receipts? 

Thanks for the update.

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Hey Sue, I also threw my old receipts out before we left!! AND the company we bought from no longer exist! To be honest they base the claim more on the value to replace, so you just choose something from a website here that you think is equivalent. I guess they would only contest that if you chose something ridiculously expensive[emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks for that - same situation with us, the company we bought from no longer exists - I did keep a few receipts for the TOR but wanted to bin a lot as we keep hanging onto things.  So typical isn't it, you keep them for years and then finally let go of stuff and then you need it,

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