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489 visa working towards permanent residency

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Hi everybody

I'm really starting to panic and may be doing so for no reason. I'm hoping I've got the facts wrong and that all will be okay.

I'm on a 489 visa as a Dentist and have been living in a regional area now for eight months. I have also been working for eight months. 

I had it in my head that sounds long as I work a minimum of 35 hours a week for 52 weeks in those two years then I will satisfy the visa requirements. 

Now here is the thing. I am classed as a contractor. IE self employed dentist. Now my hours are Monday 9-5 Tuesday 11-7 Wednesday 9-5.30 Thursday 8-5.30 Friday 8-5.30 and the first Saturday of every month 8.30-12 sometimes till 1 if really busy. 

A friend of mine seems to think we have to be classed as employed for those 52 weeks. Is this true? All dentists are classed as contractors. So I don't understand how I could ever meet this requirement?

I have also just been advised by an Australian dentist who is involved in law, that technically dental contractors, in the eyes of the taxation Office, are classed as employed and so I should technically get sick pay and super. But that's by the by. I think it is all a grey area. 

All I'm desperate to know is, will my current situation cause problems for me getting PR. 

Put it this way, I recently went to purchase a car. The corporation who I work for refused to write a letter of employment because I am a contractor and therefore 'self employed.' And without the letter I couldn't have the car. 

So if they are being this anal about me applying for car finance, I highly doubt they would help me in a visa situation. 



Edited by Cazwilkins
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AFAIK, for the visa you need to show you have worked for 52 weeks, not that you were employed.  So being self-employed/contractor would meet the requirements.  Perhaps the company you work for would be more comfortable writing a letter that uses words like "Cazwilkins has worked for our company as a contractor since xxxx date....."

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