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Family visa


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Hi all , 

I am not sure if anyone still read on this chat or visit or replay but i am gonna try

Does anyone know how can i check if i can bring my brother and sister to Australi as a Last remaining relative visa or whatever name is

I did ask on some online chat and have been given an answer no as they are in their original country

I am not qute surr what excatly mean Last Relative visa 

Does anyone know where can i get all these information, witout paying an agen! 

I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this info 


Thank you


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I would think that your siblings would not qualify because there are two of them. The Remaining Relative visa is for the last person in a family to migrate - one of the criteria is that the applicant must have no other relatives in their home country. That doesn't apply to your siblings because they each have the other.

FYI - here are the details on the visa - https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/115-#

Is there no way for at least one of your siblings to qualify for migration via another visa? 


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Hi guys 

That make sence now 

One of them can maybe apply for the skill mighrant visa but other one cant still come as my dad is still alive 

Does anyone know if you set up the busines and sponsor them to come and work for you would that be possible


I know that you can do in Canada 

Thanks heaps for this

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To be sponsored, they still need an occupation on the skills list.

The company would have to become eligible to sponsor - not every company can as there is a range of criteria, including that they can show by their accounts that they spend a percentage on training.

Then, the company would have to prove they are sponsoring because they have not been able to fill the vacancy with a local

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