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Sponsorship requirements


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Hi all, 


I am a Brit and my husband is Australian. We have been living in the UK for 6 years, married 5. We have 2 children (both Oz citizens). We have started saving for a move over to Australia. Looking at requirements for a sponsor I don't really see how my husband could be my sponsor. He is in the UK with me and at time of application will not have a job/income in Australia. Am I missing something obvious in all the paper work? 



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32 minutes ago, lepea said:

Hi all, 


I am a Brit and my husband is Australian. We have been living in the UK for 6 years, married 5. We have 2 children (both Oz citizens). We have started saving for a move over to Australia. Looking at requirements for a sponsor I don't really see how my husband could be my sponsor. He is in the UK with me and at time of application will not have a job/income in Australia. Am I missing something obvious in all the paper work? 



He doesn't need a job or income in Australia. He can sponsor you because he is your husband. 

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