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Evidence for long term relationship?


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Hi there,

My husband and I have been together 15 years and married for 12 years and are just wondering how many years financial evidence we should go back to?

Do we need to find joint bank statements going back approx 15 years or just for the last few years and how many for each year?

Thanks in advance for any comments!


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If you are applying for a partner visa I'd not worry about going back 12 or 15 years. I don't think many of us keep records that far back. 

We had been married for a while when I applied and we sent a few random bank statements from over those years and included a few from the year prior to lodging. 

We also submitted a random bill to one or the other or both of us from each of the years we had been married. So water bill or council tax in our names, phone bill in mind, electric in his etc. Plus a few more for to cover the year prior to lodging. 


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I asked a very similar question a couple of weeks ago and got some very helpful answers - have a look down the page a bit and you'll see my thread!  Several people have suggested stressing quality over quantity - so my evidence mostly shows that we have been intertwined for many years and have a variety of different ways to demonstrate it.  I have included similar to snifter - random bills etc from most years we've been together and more detail for the last couple of years.  

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it is true that providing a lot of evidence does not really help. There should be quality in your evidence, which makes it easier for the case officer to work with your application.

for example, when providing a photo, it is better if you take notes behind the photo regarding who was in the photo, the time and occasion. This will not only save the case officer time, but help your application process more quickly.


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