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Bridging Visa B


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Helly everyone, 

I am quite new to this and was wondering if someone could help with my case. I am from Germany and have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now. I am currently studying in the Netherlands and will apply for a student visa for the semester of (July-December). In the meantime, we want to lodge the partner visa application, so that when the student visa ends I would be on a Bridging Visa A with the right to work. Part of my study is to also do an internship, however, I have already used my working holiday visa and getting a temporary activity visa with my history of entries into Australia would be quite hard which is why I'm hoping that the bridging visa A would suffice in that case. The internship goes for 5 months (January-May) and I need to be back in the Netherlands in September for 5 months to finish my studies. Would that be a compelling reason to get the Bridging Visa B and would they allow me to leave Australia for this amount of time?

Thanks so much in advance 

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Can you meet the requirements of a partner visa application at this point? Great if you can but you really need evidence to support the application and some do underestimate what is needed. You use the term 'boyfriend', which when reading usually indicates dating but not a de facto relationship. 

As has been said, a bridging visa would only be if within Aus when you lodge. I am reading you post and think you intend to lodge a partner visa application on shore in Australia while on a student visa but can't quite work out if that is your intent? 

Will you be living together in a, Aus state where you can register the relationship? Be aware it looks like the cost of the partner visa is going to increase in July and perhaps they will change the application process and other things too for then or sometime after. So your plans may not be viable by the time it comes round. I'd perhaps run your case past a reputable migration agent (any on here are a good starting point) and see what they say or suggest. 

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When I say boyfriend I mean partner (yes we are serious and intending on getting married). I have been living with him whenever I had the chance to get back to Melbourne which would be over 12 months, it will be a bit hard to prove it but we definitely have witnesses and shared finances. We have a shared bank account as well and I will live with him again during my study semester in Melbourne. 

Yes, that's right, I will be on the student visa within Australia when I will lodge the application so wouldn't that technically mean that I would be eligible to apply for the BVB?  

Do you know where can I find these migration agents on this website?



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I will be on the student visa within Australia when I will lodge the application so wouldn't that technically mean that I would be eligible to apply for the BVB?  



Bear in mind that applying for a partner visa from a student visa raises a red flag.

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Thanks for the information. It's the only choice that we have since I have to spend the upcoming semester abroad and obviously, I would use that opportunity to study in Australia.

But I'm sure that the department of immigration can look into my visa history. I have entered multiple times on a WHS and many tourist visas.

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