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Partner Visa Application


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Hi all,


I'm a 189 visa holder from the UK. I have a partner from South Africa. We've been together for less than 12 months, but we have registered our relationship with NSW and this allows us to negate this requirement.


We are fully able to fulfil the remains if criteria to prove we're in a committed and genuine relationship. We have a few questions though:


* does the Bridging visa A kick in as soon as my partners tourist visa ends on 6th July? And a Bridging visa A allows work rights assuming it's for an onshore partner visa?


* Is there a way of cancelling the tourist visa sooner so the Bridging visa A kicks in sooner so that she can work?


Thanks for all your help, I know it's going to be so much harder than it is now!







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Your BV starts as soon as the Tourist visa expires. As quoted by someone else, if you cancel the tourist visa, your BV also gets cancelled. The only thing I would like to point out is to check the conditions of your BV.  In most cases when you are on a BV and your previous substantive visa ( in your case the tourist visa ) has the restrictions to work, then it will be carried over to your BV. Please check the conditions on your BV.

Having said that, you could apply to DIBP for allowing you to work.

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