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Police caution


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I have a police caution from when I was 22 I'm now 33. from a fight. Now ready to apply for visa. Shall I disclose it or not. The problem is I have had criminal record checks done before and nothing had shown up. Also I understand a caution is not actually a conviction. But worrying a bit now as maybe should declare it to be on safe side. Any suggestions. Cheers.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I would still declare it. By declaring it I don't think it will cause you any problems in getting a visa but if you don't declare it and get caught out it may cause problems for your character assessment

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the good thing is it was a long time ago also even if it comes up fighting isn't that bad the thing they really don't like is drugs you shouldn't have a problem.


Not legally correct.


A caution usually shows on the record as the record will come back as no live trace. Which indicates there is something in the background. If undeclared, this may give rise to a visa refusal.


However, if the OP declares and states what it was for and gives some mitigation, it won't be questioned further. However, several cautions, particularly if recent and for drug offences may well give rise to a refusal.

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