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Moving at 5 years old; should I send him to P2 come September?


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My son is coming 5 in April and will be moving into primary 2 in september, however, we are hoping to move in December so wondering is it worth while to send him at all. He will be learning stuff that I am sure will be completely irrelevant as he will be starting from the bottom in Aus when we get there. Plus it sounds a bit more disruptive to me to send him back after Summer to then take him out again in December. Anyone else moved with little ones the same age what did you do ? Did they adapt okay to the new curriculum and being a school baby again

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I think it's more disruptive to take him out and then go back to school in February. Curriculum really doesn't matter at that age, it's socialisation and learning to learn, so without a doubt I'd keep him in UK school.


Fwiw we moved in very similar circumstances to you 6 years ago - son was nearly 5 when we moved in November, he'd been at school in UK for a year and a bit, we just finished him on the Friday, flew on Sunday and he had a long summer holiday and went to school in Sydney at the end of Jan with everyone else.


At his age he'll probably go into Kindy (first year of primary school in NSW) where all the kids will be new, so that part is made much easier

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Assuming (from your username) you're coming to NSW, then the cutoff is July 31 in public schools, so no worries there.


An April baby who would be turning 6 in April 2018 could go either in Kindy or Year 1 if starting school in Jan 18. Most kids of that age would be in Kindy, if you put him in year 1 he'd have a high likelihood of being the youngest in class on top of the change in country to deal with and the fact that lots of kids will know each other because they'll have been at school for a year.


So I think Kindy is the best choice - everyone's new anyway

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I agree with northshorepom, don't keep him out of school for those few months before you move. Its not so much the educational aspect but the socialising and enjoyment he will get from it all, even if only for a few months. I don't see any reason to not let him attend up until you make the move.

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What would you do with him instead?!


Well I do shifts so only do 3 days a week; so would have him the rest, and we do alot when Im off work. But he attends a daycare facility so he could do that on my work days before leaving if needed be. I just wasnt sure on best option, as he will be going back from the Summer and settling into school, his friends etc again then being taken away from that again a couple months later. I can see pros and cons of each side. But the socialisation aspect is definitely a good arguement as during school hours there is nobody his age there, nursery age at the oldest until 1-2pm.


Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated; its good to look at it from a different point of view x

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