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Moving from UK to Oz chances...?


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I am trying to weigh up the possibility of moving to Oz or whether it's just a distant dream.

I am living in UK with my wife & 2 young children. I am 34 & wife is 30. I am AAT qualified & currently studying ATT then on to chartered tax afterwards & my wife has a degree in education.


Would love to move to Brisbane or Adelaide.


We have a house in UK with 60k equity & would rent in oz to start but need to know if it's possible & likelyhood of getting employment out there.


Any help or suggestions would be great

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Hi Beef, with AAT at this point I do not think you would get a positive assessment under one of the accounting roles.


It sounds like your wife might be the best primary applicant - suggest that you have an initial consultation with a migration agent to identify best next steps!


Good luck!

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