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M.S. and PR


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Hi I have just been diagnosed with RR(remitting/relapsing)Multiple Sclerosis and am looking for some sound advice on future PR plans.

I am on a 457 (in the first year of it so heaps of time) but my role in the future is dependent in the long run on my being able to get PR (i will be becoming a business part-owner, similar to franchisee). My health is great really, just 2 'episodes in the last 9 years that showed any symptoms outwardly and which lead to investigation and subsequent diagnosis, and which i recovered from quickly without treatment on both occasions. I am starting a 6 month course of infusion treatment shortly but aside from that i will be managing this myself with diet and lifestyle. I have zero medical concerns i am more worried about visa issues in the future.

My partner incidently has Crohns disease (so along the same line as ms in being auto immune - esq) and had no issues getting PR a couple of years ago which has given me a mental boost. MS for me is only visible on an MRI - bloods, chest xray etc all clear and no physical signs

Googling various forums etc i am seeing varied info on the likelihood of this being a major roadblock for me so would really appreciate informed advice.

(also myself and partner at this stage have only been together 7 months but will register relationship etc to bolster chances if defacto ends up being a more suitable option)

Thanks in advance...this stress is doing a number on me!

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