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Painting and Decorating - no qualification


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Hi all


Asking for my Bro in law - he's been a painter and decorator in the Uk for 8 years with no qualification ie never been to college to get the certificate.


Can he emigrate based on this? He's 45 and can obtain payslips/references from his employer.


If not, what options does he have. We live in Oz on a PR.


Thanks all



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Technically it is possible via recognition of prior learning. However, they would deduct a lot of his experience in place of having the qualification.


A bigger is though is age. While the cut off is 50, in reality most people find it impossible after the age of 45 to get enough points. This would be particularly applicable here, as he will not get points for experience by the time the prior learning was allowed for.


He could attempt to find an employer to sponsor, but that will be very hard and is likely to only lead to a 457 - a temporary visa.


It may be good to speak to a good migration agent, but I think it is too late for him

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