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ANMAC reference question


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Hello, I would be very grateful if someone could please advise me on my anmac reference. So..I'm currently getting everything ready for my skills assessment (documents, education transcripts, english test) but I'm unsure of who to ask for my reference. I'm not claiming any years experience as I am a newly qualified midwife. I know the obvious choice would be my line manager but would rather they didn't know about my plans yet. Would my preceptor (an experienced midwife who knows me well and is a point of reference for advice/support over the first 12 months post qualifying) be an approved person for a reference? I have worked a lot with them but hardly ever with my line manager.


Any advice would be gratefully received.


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According to ANMAC:


Who can I use for my professional references?

You should use the person who directly managed or supervised you. This person must be a nurse or midwife.



What if my direct supervisor is not a nurse or a midwife?

If your direct supervisor is not a nurse or midwife, a statement to this effect should be included in the reference. Please note, a reference from sections of an organisation, such as Human Resources or Payroll, is not suitable for this assessment.









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