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Registering with GP with no permanent address


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We are moving back to the UK next month. I am keen to register with a GP as soon as possible as I am pregnant & we have a little boy. We have booked temporary accommodation for the first month, we are hoping to find a longer-term rental following this. It seems that you have to provide proof of address e.g utility bill to register with a GP surgery & I don't want to go a month or more without access to a doctor.

Has anyone had any experience of this situation or have any advice?

Thank you!

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We are moving back to the UK next month. I am keen to register with a GP as soon as possible as I am pregnant & we have a little boy. We have booked temporary accommodation for the first month, we are hoping to find a longer-term rental following this. It seems that you have to provide proof of address e.g utility bill to register with a GP surgery & I don't want to go a month or more without access to a doctor.

Has anyone had any experience of this situation or have any advice?

Thank you!


We certainly didn't have to provide any of that, just an address was fine. If you know you will be renting longer term in the same area as your temporary accommodation it shouldn't be any problem at all, especially as you are pregnant, they won't leave you in the lurch. All the best.

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Some GP practices do adhere to a postcode for new patients to register. It will depend on the area, the practice etc. They don't ask for proof of address that I recall though, but obviously will require a residential address to register. I also know GP's whose practices do this.


I know when we've moved in the UK a number of GP practices asked us for our address and we were told we were outside or within their area and either could or could not register. Also when we moved once, only a mile down the road I had to confirm with my practice if we still fell within their postcode and if we were moving outside of it would not be an issue. It wasn't thankfully as we fell within the postcode range just.


I would not expect this to apply everywhere or be your experience but it was ours on occasion. The demand for places in some areas meant the practices implemented these steps to ensure people within the immediate local area could get places on their list.


Either way, you will be able to register with a GP somewhere in your area so don't worry.

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