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Renting without a job


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Hello all,


I wanted to rent a property in Brisbane when I arrive in June next year on a PR visa. I need a permanent residence address in Australia so I can register with the relevant boards needed for my job, so I cant apply for jobs until I have these. Also I don't know anyone in Australia who would let me use their address.


I will have rental income as I'm renting my house in the UK, but wont any income other than that until my job stuff is sorted out. I can provide 6 months rent in advance if need be.


Would potential landlords/agents consider me?


Advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated



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Hi Davina and welcome to the forum,


Many people rent without a job when they first move to Australia, there are a number of threads on this subject. In a nutshell, a minimum requirement is to clear the 100 point check to prove you are who you say you are. If you open a local bank account (which can be opened while you are in the UK) and take your passport then that should be enough. Always helps if you can get your medicare and also tax number sorted.

Since you are not in work, it will be important to show you have sufficient funds to pay 6 to 12 months rent based on the agreement you are taking on. Saying you will pay 6 months rent in advance will definitely be seen as an advantage. Note that this must be cleared funds in your Australian bank account and not UK. In addition if you can get personal/character references then that helps too. Keep everything ready up front so when you make your application to the agent you have everything available to move quickly, which the agents prefer over people taking a lot more time


Of course it all depends on demand for the rental property, location and actual rent involved. Places with good demand will be a struggle as a landlord has many options and last on the list is a jobless migrant, even with a good balance in the bank.


All the best on your travels ahead and once again, welcome to the forum!



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Be extremely careful of paying rent in advance, this is outside of contract terms and we were advised will disadvantage you as it gives the impression to the landlord that you maybe up to something dodgy. Bank statement with healthy balance will help but who to say you won't spend it all the following day.


Most landlords depend on the agents recommendation therefore it is very important to befriend the agent, turn up early, chat and be positive even if the property is a hole. We jumped a huge queue to secure a property in central Ascot as the agent liked us and recommended us over many other interested parties.



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My own impression with Melbourne, bring as much supporting documents as possible ie mortgage statement/agreement from the UK, rental agreement from the UK. This shows that you are a landlord and homeowner yourself. I personally think this is a plus as shows your are more likely to look after the property. As other mentioned bank statements both UK and AU, will help, as will the personal character references. Do you know anyone in Australia already that you could provide a phone number(I found this odd as most of them have never called the references I put down!!!)


Get photocopies of ID: Medicare card(if you have it), UK driving license, passport so they are ready to submit with your application.


When you arrive it may be a good idea to pop into a few real estate agencies and ask what the market is like, what the vacancy rate it like and how many people on average are turning up to open inspections. This will give you a better idea of what to expect. Since the rental market works differently here, you could try your luck at asking to see what they available and if you could review before the inspection...


When I first arrived in Melbourne 2009, it was crazy. I would turn up at some places and see 30,40+ people all waiting, lots with applications already completed and handing over to the agent as soon as they could. A few years later I remember turning up to find me and maybe one or two other people, at what I would still describe as good properties.


The main recommendation, would be to get your application in as quick as possible. The property I am in now, I did not think I would get and asked the agent and she said mine was the first one submitted.

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Paying upfront wasn't a problem for us in Brisbane. It can even sometimes help, especially if you don't have a job.

We also had our bank statements and also a letter from our employers in the UK and the estate agent who sold our Uk home, just saying how great we were too.

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