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Lots of questions: Jobs, Spouse Visa, etc.


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Hi everyone


I am a dual citizen and my British citizenship is by descent so I can't pass it on to my Australian born children & my husband is also Australian. The last time I worked in the UK was 2003. I would greatly appreciate any advice to my questions below if anyone can help out....


1) What kind of visa do I apply for so that my husband and children can reside with me in the UK? Is it the "family of a settled person" visa? If so, it looks like I need to be living in the UK to apply for them to join me whilst they stay in Australia? Also, am I the person that needs to be earning ₤28,400 per year (financial requirement stipulation of one adult & 2 children)?


2) Do I need to obtain a job offer in the UK before I can apply for a rental property? What are my chances of securing a rental property from Australia without a job lined up?


3) Can anyone shed light on how they obtained a job in the UK from Australia? My husband and I have applied for posts but we have not had any success.


4) Given schools are linked to residential zones and you often need to apply the year before to start high school, how will I do this if I can't prove an address yet? Has anyone done this whilst living in Australia?


Thanks for reading!

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I can't answer questions 2,3,4 accurately but check out the gov.uk site regarding the visa. Also just make sure to ask your partner if they have a uk born grand parent because they can then apply for an ancestry visa which is an easier route than a spouse visa.

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Hi, I can't help you with the visa question but I have been told that securing a rental whilst in Australia is possible but landlords may require 6 months rent up front in lieu of sighting payslips/evidence of employment. We plan to rent a holiday home initially so that we can sort things out once we get there. I also have queries regarding schools but given we don't know where we are moving to I cannot do much yet. Perhaps if you know anyone in the area you could use their address or you could contact the school direct and explain the situation...maybe?? My husband has also applied for a few jobs but not heard much back, we have been told that if you don't know a definite date of arrival so that you can guarantee an employment start date there is not much applying as you may just be placed in the "too hard basket" I hope someone can assist with the visa info. Good luck.

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I come from Bolton so hello.






My hubby was a FORD man and we went back twice with a job one with Jaguar and another for NORTHELFER depends what your line of work is and where you want to live.


Also if you have a place in mind you can check the local papers for jobs. You wont have trouble renting if you have a good history that would be a handy letter to have and your utilities are up to date, you may have to pay 6/12 upfront depends on the Agent. Also I would have copies of your wage slips for the last 12 month or so. I came to Australia in 1989 leaving a good job but apart from work for the dole,job skills and a million courses I never found a proper job. I arrived back in the UK in the May 2004 and was working for a Department store by the end of June full time so if I can get a job there is hope back home. good luck

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Do you know that if you can show about 70000 pounds in savings you do not need to be employed? If you own a property here you may have that in house equity. Obviously that is not going to work for everyone but if you have owned a house in Sydney or Melbourne for a few years it might apply to you.

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Hi everyone


I am a dual citizen and my British citizenship is by descent so I can't pass it on to my Australian born children & my husband is also Australian. The last time I worked in the UK was 2003. I would greatly appreciate any advice to my questions below if anyone can help out....


1) What kind of visa do I apply for so that my husband and children can reside with me in the UK? Is it the "family of a settled person" visa? If so, it looks like I need to be living in the UK to apply for them to join me whilst they stay in Australia? Also, am I the person that needs to be earning ₤28,400 per year (financial requirement stipulation of one adult & 2 children)?


2) Do I need to obtain a job offer in the UK before I can apply for a rental property? What are my chances of securing a rental property from Australia without a job lined up?


3) Can anyone shed light on how they obtained a job in the UK from Australia? My husband and I have applied for posts but we have not had any success.


4) Given schools are linked to residential zones and you often need to apply the year before to start high school, how will I do this if I can't prove an address yet? Has anyone done this whilst living in Australia?


Thanks for reading!


You need to apply for the family of a settled person visa. You don't need to be living there, just headed there. My husband was still in Oz when we applied. Yes I know, the wording is confusing. You would need to be the one meeting the financial requirement for earnings, or if not you can both show as meeting the savings requirement as per the UK gov website. As others have mentioned, if you own a house that could possibly meet the requirement but I'm not sure because my husband had a job offer in the UK when we applied for my visa.


To be honest, we found it hard applying for a job from Australia. Many websites have an automated application process and they don't accept non UK formatted postcodes etc so was quite tricky, but may depend on what kind of job you're applying for. We eventually went over with an offer from the UK branch of the company hubby was working for in Oz. Another option would be for you to go there ahead and find something then bring your family across, but only you can decide if you can handle the separation. The labor market in UK is strong at the moment, but really depends on your circumstances. My hubby started work a few months before I got the visa approved. He stayed with family while waiting for us. We tried airbnb for him but no one seemed interested in letting out to him for more than a few weeks, possible because it was our first time to use airbnb and he had no track record. All worked out in the end for us, but just a case of one hurdle at a time.

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Hi River


Re Q1

Yes, you’d need a family of a settled person visa and you don’t have to be or live in the UK to apply. You’d need to meet the 4 essential requirements –


a. Financial - If you are applying from Australia, you must meet two requirements. First, you must be in employment for 6 months in Australia prior to the date of application and also meet the minimum salary requirements of £28,400 (husband and two children). Second, you must have a confirmed job offer starting within 3 months of arrival in the UK.

b. English language - Your dependents also need to prove that they meet the English language requirements (which they are being a citizen of a English speaking country)

c. Proof of accommodation - ideally a tenancy agreement with a min 6 month term

d. Evidence of relationship (shouldn’t be a problem if you have been living with your husband and children)


The other option is cash savings and they must it be held in your personal/joint bank account for more than 6 months (think its £62K for main applicant, not sure about additional dependents).


Re Q2


AFAIK, most letting agents now ask for a job offer so yes to the first part of your question. But then I could be wrong.


Re Q3 and Q4


Don’t know the answer so can’t advice.

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Hi everyone


I am a dual citizen and my British citizenship is by descent so I can't pass it on to my Australian born children & my husband is also Australian. The last time I worked in the UK was 2003. I would greatly appreciate any advice to my questions below if anyone can help out....


1) What kind of visa do I apply for so that my husband and children can reside with me in the UK? Is it the "family of a settled person" visa? If so, it looks like I need to be living in the UK to apply for them to join me whilst they stay in Australia? Also, am I the person that needs to be earning ₤28,400 per year (financial requirement stipulation of one adult & 2 children)?


2) Do I need to obtain a job offer in the UK before I can apply for a rental property? What are my chances of securing a rental property from Australia without a job lined up?


3) Can anyone shed light on how they obtained a job in the UK from Australia? My husband and I have applied for posts but we have not had any success.


4) Given schools are linked to residential zones and you often need to apply the year before to start high school, how will I do this if I can't prove an address yet? Has anyone done this whilst living in Australia?


Thanks for reading!


You don't need a job offer before applying for a rental property but you do need to pass a credit reference check - a landlord can still take you if you fail it but most wouldn't as it compromises Landlords Insurance - the way many people get around it is to offer to pay the full 6 months up front.


I'm afraid there is no way around the school problem unless you go to a private school, once you have a permanent address you can apply for schools regardless of the time of year - unfortunately the 'best' schools are likely to be full and even if it is your catchment are they are under no obligation to take you (unlike in Australia) - you will get a place but you may need to travel to it and siblings won't necessarily get a place at the same school. We opted for private when we moved back, it made it a lot less stressful & the kids in my son's new class wrote letters to him in Australia which made him feel really positive about starting the new school.


Most job hunting is online these days so location isn't that much of a barrier although some employers will put you in the 'too hard' bucket - is is possible to get a UK address? You certainly could get a UK phone number & make it clear on your application you are British. What is it you do? That will make a difference to how likely you are to get a job from Australia - the higher skilled and more in demand jobs are more likely.


And yes as far as I know it is the British citizen that has to have the job but as has been said capital is also acceptable.

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Thank you so much everyone! I think I now have a better understanding of how to move forward with this.


Also, I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the website correctly, but if my husband is Australian and my children are born in Australia, do they need to live in Britain for 3 years or 5 years before they can apply for their citizenship? It looks like my children can't apply for British citizenship based on mine because mine was obtained via descent and it looks like they also can't apply by descent from their British grandfather. I'm not sure if I am interpreting this correctly so if anyone can contribute any advice that would be greatly appreciated.



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