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Daughters boyfriend getting defacto visa


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Looking for a pathway to hopefully get my daughters boyfriend a defacto visa in the future . They are both 21 yeas of age and been in a relationship for the past 3 years . Daughter has PR which was granted and activated in 2012 but she has fllitted to and fro from the uk to Aus because of this . She hasn't yet accumulated 2 years of living in Australia but is currently living in Australia and intends on staying here but also building to this in case she needs to apply for a 5 year RRV . . Her boyfriend is currently in Australia on a 1 year WHV and has done his 3 months farm work to hopefully extend it to 2 years . They have redgistered their relationship here in Australia , got joint bank accounts and have lived together from when he arrived in Feb but we don't think this will count as living together as it was with parents , backpackers , shared accommodation . Can anyone shed any light on how they can prove their relationship , do they need to have a joint tenancy agreement with a real estate or private landlord for at least 1 year or is it longer . Can they apply for a temporary defacto visa after a certain amount of time and what would they need. They both want to live in Australia together and defacto is the only option

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Should be reasonably straight forward. I would suggest he continues on the WHVs for now and continue to collect as much evidence as they can of shared address and finances in particular.


There is only one partner visa application, whether a temporary or permanent visa is granted will depend on the length of the relationship at the time, but the initial application is the same.

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Should be reasonably straight forward. I would suggest he continues on the WHVs for now and continue to collect as much evidence as they can of shared address and finances in particular.


There is only one partner visa application, whether a temporary or permanent visa is granted will depend on the length of the relationship at the time, but the initial application is the same.

Thank you Bungo

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