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What have you done today to get yourself out of OZ?


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There a whole forum section called 'MBTTUK' ,99% threads are negative towards Australia and people post their feelings. So negatives are certainly not swept under the carpet. Infact you would hard pushed to find a thread now a days were negative comments arent in it or someone correctng someone elses possitive about Australia.


Cal x


There may well be, but not as apparent as a 'sticky' devoted to such an issue. While I do realise the 'interests' of the forum do I expect lay with positive stories, such an alternative may even result in less negative press?


I do agree there are far less 'committed' to the cause that comment than in the past. The Perth positive side of things is positively lonely, where as not long ago one would be shot down in flames, for the mere mention of bad times. Mostly all deserted post. Fair weather Perthfics or what?

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I contacted the Schools Office enquiring about enrolling for high schools in Sep 17.

even without living in uk yet I was able to put names down.

Hoping to be back by April when we will need to show evidence of address for primary school


This is useful info thanks. Eldest daughter is currently in year 5 in Sydney (so due to start high school in Feb 18), but I think she'd be due to start high school in the UK in August/September 2017, depending on whether we end up in England or Scotland. I'm pleased to know that we can put her name down when the decision is made.

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This is useful info thanks. Eldest daughter is currently in year 5 in Sydney (so due to start high school in Feb 18), but I think she'd be due to start high school in the UK in August/September 2017, depending on whether we end up in England or Scotland. I'm pleased to know that we can put her name down when the decision is made.


Its not always so simple, bear that in mind. If its to enrol for starting the first year of senior school, there is often an admissions process, a deadline with which to apply and in some areas, zones and also a limited number of places. Some schools face over subscription to the number of places available. After the process is closed, its may well be a case of contacting the school directly and seeing if they can offer your child a place. Some can, some cannot. Its often a positive outcome but not always certain.


Its worth while going through the Gov website and putting in the postcodes of areas you are looking at moving to. https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-secondary-school-place


I just did this to do a dummy run and put in our old UK postcode to see what schools were listed and to read their enrolment policies. Our 2 most local schools have different policies.

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LKC and Snifter, there is lots of info on your local councils website and the one above.

the closing date for applications was 31.10.16 with results published 01.03.17 in England.

my girl is also year 5 LKC.


Hmmm, that could be problematic then, as we won't make the decision until after Christmas and have no idea where in the UK we are going. We aren't going back to where we came from is really all I know.

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