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Phone contracts


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Hi, just a quick question that I don't know if anyone will know the answer to! My son and I both have phone contracts with Virgin mobile which still have 18 months left to run. Has anyone been able to transfer contracts with a global company like Virgin before or will we just be best to pay out the phone? Just another thing to tick off my check list! Thanks!



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Not had any experience of this personally as we only use pay as you go and when we need to we cut the service as needed. However, I would of not thought that it would be possible to transfer the contract from one country to another. Eventhough a company may be multi national, they all seem to operate as individual entitis in each country. it may be a case that you have to pay to get out of the contract and then take up a new one when back in the UK. Good luck with the move though.

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They might have the same name, but Virginmobile in the UK is not the same company as Virginmobile in Australia. You are a source of money for the company in Australia so they're not likely to happily let you go and start giving your money to another company overseas just because that company has the same name.


They will want to squeeze as much out of you here before you go, so expect to be paying yourself out of the contract. Get your phones unlocked first!


At least you'll be arriving in the UK with decent phones ready to utilise the best deals you can find in the UK!

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