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Family sponsored or tourist visitor for mother in law to help my pregnant wife


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Hi everyone. I am seeking information regarding visitor/tourist /family sponsor visa 600 information. If anyone know anything related to this please ,please share.

let me explain my situation first -

Me n my wife both are permanent residence of Australia. My wife doesn't has any job now, she is 6 months pregnant now.my mother in law wants to come over here from Bangladesh to look after my wife on delivery time, which is due on feb-2017 .we expecting my mother in law to stay with us around 45-60 days.

My queries are-

1. Which exact visa subclass ( tourist visitor or family sponsored )I should apply for and which form/s will requires for that?

2. Should I or my wife apply from my immi account for my mother-in-law?in that case any additional form need to be filled up by the applicant?

3. How many days earlier should I apply?

4.So far I know , if I apply for family sponsored visa ,CO might ask for upto $15000 as bond.in that case, can I use my credit card and get refund to my savings account?

5. Does she needs a medical insurance for those days?

6.Here is the list which I am planning to submit, please correct me if I don't need some of these or need to add any other documents-

a.Mother in laws passport , national id , birth certificate, property owner documents,police clearance, bank statement

b. Photograph

c.filled up application form/online form

d.my wife's pr +passport, public exam certificate where her moms name on it

e.doctors report mentioning baby's due date

f.our marriage certificate, my bank statement, my payslip, invitation letter


7. If I apply for tourist visitor , should I mention about my wife's pregnancy or not. coz ive read some article where they said immigration doesn't like someone coming here as tourist and helping their family members with any sort of family work.

Thank you

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Of course Mazumder could also try to call the Department to see if someone in the Department can reply in detail to all of his questions.

They are paid public servants after all.




Possibly the reason that you are getting no response is the fact that you are asking for very detailed and specific advice and instructions.


You may want to consider paying for some professional advice.

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