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Writing RPL for ACS


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Hi guys,


I haven't been able to find much about the RPL for ACS so I need to check and ask how detailed and how long does it have to be? I know that they have given instructions but I want to hear real life story on how it was for others that had to write the RPL Report.

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Hi guys,


I haven't been able to find much about the RPL for ACS so I need to check and ask how detailed and how long does it have to be? I know that they have given instructions but I want to hear real life story on how it was for others that had to write the RPL Report.


Are you doing your visa on your own or going via an agent? If an agent then best to seek their guidance but if you are going it alone or have just started investigating then here goes


The RPL report serves only 3 purposes

1. Have you learnt, through your work or education, each of the core knowledge areas?

2. Having acquired this knowledge (mostly outside of formal education), how have you applied it through your career?

3. The 2 detailed projects reports showcase your Software skills as well as the specific category you are going for such as Business Analyst or Software Engineer


There are few examples available on the internet plus a few forums where members are happy to share their report, I would recommend spending some time and reading through forums to get this level of detail


Personally, having a Electronics & Electrical Engg Degree, I had to prove my skills over 12 years experience. The main thing to note is while it is doable, you will need a lot of patience. It can easily take 2 months to write the report and proof read a few times before submission, which again tests your patience a lot. How long the report has to be really depends on your own circumstance


If you have a degree with a minor in Computer Science then you could get away with a shorter report, if not then perhaps you need to elaborate why you think you now have that knowledge without formal education so information on things like certifications through your career, online courses at work etc have to be clearly explained.


I have seen reports that are 20 pages long and some that are 60 pages long. My report was around 40 odd pages. It was more because I decided to include some diagrams I created through work, which if taken out would reduce my report to about 30 pages. You need to bear in mind they are not testing your English skills nor do they care about specifics of projects you worked in or your company or client. When you explain how you gained knowledge and how you used that knowledge you must be concise. None of us know who really reads that report but fair to say even a person who lives to read reports for a living wont have the stamina to understand the life of the person who wrote that report. I made that mistake too and when I proof read it, I realised I was talking irrelevant things at many places and in the end cut out about 10 pages of nonsense


It's tough, you need the patience and you need to constantly go back and forth to ensure you dont end up repeating yourself or using the same examples in too many places. You have to plan, go through your career and see what examples you will use for which sections and for all this, you need to put effort to make a decent report


All the best


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Thank you KnK. Your answer is what I needed I would say. Because I have written about 5 pages and I will write 5 more and I hope that will do. I have an agent who is helping me and as I have understod it the essays and the project reports doesn't have to be to long.


But I want to thank you for taking your time to write. It is of big value for me. :) Congratulation for your visa.



Are you doing your visa on your own or going via an agent? If an agent then best to seek their guidance but if you are going it alone or have just started investigating then here goes


The RPL report serves only 3 purposes

1. Have you learnt, through your work or education, each of the core knowledge areas?

2. Having acquired this knowledge (mostly outside of formal education), how have you applied it through your career?

3. The 2 detailed projects reports showcase your Software skills as well as the specific category you are going for such as Business Analyst or Software Engineer


There are few examples available on the internet plus a few forums where members are happy to share their report, I would recommend spending some time and reading through forums to get this level of detail


Personally, having a Electronics & Electrical Engg Degree, I had to prove my skills over 12 years experience. The main thing to note is while it is doable, you will need a lot of patience. It can easily take 2 months to write the report and proof read a few times before submission, which again tests your patience a lot. How long the report has to be really depends on your own circumstance


If you have a degree with a minor in Computer Science then you could get away with a shorter report, if not then perhaps you need to elaborate why you think you now have that knowledge without formal education so information on things like certifications through your career, online courses at work etc have to be clearly explained.


I have seen reports that are 20 pages long and some that are 60 pages long. My report was around 40 odd pages. It was more because I decided to include some diagrams I created through work, which if taken out would reduce my report to about 30 pages. You need to bear in mind they are not testing your English skills nor do they care about specifics of projects you worked in or your company or client. When you explain how you gained knowledge and how you used that knowledge you must be concise. None of us know who really reads that report but fair to say even a person who lives to read reports for a living wont have the stamina to understand the life of the person who wrote that report. I made that mistake too and when I proof read it, I realised I was talking irrelevant things at many places and in the end cut out about 10 pages of nonsense


It's tough, you need the patience and you need to constantly go back and forth to ensure you dont end up repeating yourself or using the same examples in too many places. You have to plan, go through your career and see what examples you will use for which sections and for all this, you need to put effort to make a decent report


All the best


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Thank you KnK. Your answer is what I needed I would say. Because I have written about 5 pages and I will write 5 more and I hope that will do. I have an agent who is helping me and as I have understod it the essays and the project reports doesn't have to be to long.


But I want to thank you for taking your time to write. It is of big value for me. :) Congratulation for your visa.


10 pages is about right if you have the experience and your degree covered most of the areas sufficiently. You then dont need to prove it as you studied it. My brother's was just over 10 pages and it was enough. Slight correction from me, the initial draft was about 36 pages and I reduced it down to 22 mainly because I had to prove I learnt everything on the job over 12 years and with certifications through my career


All the best to you!



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