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Adelaide & Smellbum, Batten Down!


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We are the same when we have power cut, you do not realise how much you rely / use water until you cannot have it.. The house across the road from us has water and all major appliances linked to a generator and its something we have said we will do, but never seem to get around to doing it..

Hope your suburb is sorted soon.


Cal x

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All depended on which suburb you live 

Kangarilla we were without power for 22 hours last time it was 40 hours

The rain was horrendous I have nerve in over 30 years seen anything like it

our worst problem is no electric we have no water as it's rainwater pumped through

Generator being bought soon for sure


Most of the metropolitan area was back on within 8-10 hours. Much back on in far less than that which was pretty impressive considering the issues. I know rural areas around the state were longer to get power back. Overall I think they did well given the situation and conditions.


Living up in the hills in a small town like Kangarilla I'd defo be getting a generator. Good idea and well worth the investment. We used to have one when I lived on the farm back in England. It got a fair bit of use in stormy weather as we'd lose power being rural and we'd be able to cope just fine for a number of days or longer even. Woodburners are good for times like this. Having one of those can be good in the cold weather with no power. Bigger bonus if no gas for cooking is to have one with a plate on the top to cook on.

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Woodburners are good for times like this. Having one of those can be good in the cold weather with no power. Bigger bonus if no gas for cooking is to have one with a plate on the top to cook on.


Oh boy, YES! Ours has been worth its weight in gold this winter - with the added bonus that any time there is a storm, OH's eyes light up, thinking "firewood!"


My son and his mates, who usually play online team games, whilst sitting alone in their homes at their computers, were stumped with no power and no internet, so we invited them all round here instead and they sat in the rumpus room, playing board games by candlelight instead!


I charged my phone up sitting in the car outside and listening to the local ABC radio station, then spent the evening in front of the fire reading my Kindle.

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Kindle was flat grrr but we do have gas and a wood fire so not totally without utilities

last power cut we bought water containers so we were a bit better prepared but now will leave some water in buckets around the place for a loo flush ! Candles and torches we also stocked up from the first cut

What was annoying is one end of the road were on was back on after a few hours but we were not

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