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phew what happened


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after selling house going through all the paperwork and hassle finally exchange this week, had bad dream

woke up feeling jittery, elderly dad pops round says will miss me and my son but understands we have family out there, after he left I,m like "nah dont want to go, turn the clocks back, i doing too well here mortgage debt free etc etc. crazy, or normal?


and i have lived there before

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after selling house going through all the paperwork and hassle finally exchange this week, had bad dream

woke up feeling jittery, elderly dad pops round says will miss me and my son but understands we have family out there, after he left I,m like "nah dont want to go, turn the clocks back, i doing too well here mortgage debt free etc etc. crazy, or normal?


and i have lived there before


Natural to have doubts. Take a deep breath and wait a few days, see if they go away.

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agree, but I,m 55 thought i be over all that. strange really.


I think we get more cautious and undecided the older we get.


I didn't think twice when I came to the UK.


I wouldn't do half the stuff I used to get up to when I was younger.


You definitely get risk averse.

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yes lol, i thought the same, only thing drawing me to Perth is grandkids


That's a big draw though!


My dad moved last year to be closer to me when my mam died - he is 85 and lived in Middlesbrough almost his whole life, at the end of the day where you are is less important than who you are with.


It sounds like you might be torn though about who you want to be with or maybe feeling some guilt?


Nothing is forever, if your dad actually needs you in the future then you spend some time in the UK again, hopefully the grandkids will be grown by then. Or if not then at least you will have a stronger relationship with them and that's priceless. I regret moving my son away from his grandparents - when my dad move up my son was 12 and it is taking time for a relationship to build.

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deffo torn, son 19 has pals here but failed to get into services, dad 81 not too well mum early signs dementia

older son in perth 3 grandkids


i self employed gas, no debts no mortgage and first time i lost that adventure spirit, love the grandkids but in reality life there will not be better for me except for their company of course. think just nerves and age lol. starting again tiring,

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