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Medical with on-going treatment (Mental Health) - visa189


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I have already asked a migration agent on the forum about this but would really appreciate advice from people who have perhaps gone through a similar situation.


Background: I visited my doctor a couple of times reporting symptoms of low mood, stress, and difficulty sleeping. My doctor referred me for further assessment. I met with a psychologist who suggested anti-depressants, but both my doctor and I agreed medication was unnecessary. The psychologist then recommended I might benefit from analytic group therapy. I met with a psychotherapist to assess my suitability for the group and now attend a session every week. He explained the group could help me explore my feelings of anxiety relating to social interaction through talk therapy with other group members. The treatment has no set timeline, you decide when you have gained everything you can out of the group and when to stop attending.


I have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition/disorder. I am not on medication and I have never taken time off work.


My assumption is I need to declare that I am receiving treatment under question ‘ Have you ever suffered from mental health problems ‘ on the medical history form, despite having no diagnosis or listed condition on my medical record.


The migration agent advised it would be a good idea to bring a letter from my GP along to the medical, simply confirming I do not have a mental condition and am not on any medication. However, whilst browsing through the forum I have read a lot of people getting forms from specialists detailing their condition, investigations/treatment and prognosis.


Would a letter from my doctor really be enough or should I also get hold of a specialist letter from the group therapist detailing what my treatment is? Will the fact treatment is on-going be an issue? I appreciate I’m probably overthinking this but I really want to make sure I go to my medical as prepared as possible :)


All input welcome! Thank you

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Been more than a week without any responses so I thought I’d ask again if anyone has had a similar experience involving on-going treatment/therapy during their medical. I’ve read many posts regarding past treatment and issues, but given I am still attending the group sessions, my case is a bit different.


Would really appreciate any input - thank you!

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Get a letter from your GP advising that you have suffered from mild depressive and anxiety symptoms which have not required any medication but have engaged in psychological interventions which have proven to be beneficial to you. That you have not required any time off work due to this condition.


What the panel are interested in is what's wrong, what investigations/treatments and what the prognosis is.

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Thank you for the reply Ali.


A couple more questions:

- Isn't the doctor expected to be specific about the treatment I am receiving? "Psychological intervention" sounds a little ambiguous. I am attending analytic group therapy, provided by the Psychotherapy department.


- Would he not need to disclose dates? That's my main concern, that the treatment is on-going.


In both instances, will the examining physician ask for further information if what is provided seems too generic and not specific enough?

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You can provide a letter from your psychologist to say what specific therapy that you are attending and they can write that it is on going. It shouldn't cause too many problems for you, the only delay I could imagine - is that they ask for a psychiatric report which I think would be unlikely. Psychological therapy is the first line treatment for mild depressive and anxiety disorders rather than medication. submit both letters at the medical - your GP's because he diagnosed the problem and the therapist as the person treating you.

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Thanks again for your reply Ali. I think I will ask for the reports to contain a summary of my progress too. My mood has significantly improved and I’m sleeping a lot better.


I’ll l be sure to update everyone on how I get on with the medical. Hopefully all will go well! :)

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