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Hi everyone,


New to the forum.


We are working on a 5 year plan to finish our qualifications (mature students, in 30's & 40's) whilst working and getting experience in various skilled fields and eventually end up in Australia.


Looking forward to reading some good advice on the forum and contributing.





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Hi Bungo,


My wife will be the visa applicant, she is 12 years younger than me and I will just turn 51 when we apply in 5 years.


She is trained in adult and child safeguarding and will be trained and have experience in being a family support worker and/or childcare centre manager, depending on what route she chooses next. She will also have a social care degree by then as well. She should fit in one of the skills on the (current) SOL or CSOL.


I will be a retired police officer at that point, doing my training in teaching adults (education & training cert) and a qualified first aid instructor.


So, fingers crossed....

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