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School catchment areas how does it work? (Specifically Hobart/tas)


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We are looking to buy a home around Hobart area, and although our son is only very young we are considering what schools are nearby to where we may buy a house.

For example we are looking in Kettering, to which is apparently in the catchment for Woodbridge school, even though it's closer to Snug primary (which is apparently a great school) Do you get to apply to other schools outside your catchment or do you have to go to the allocated one?

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Unless things have changed, this sounds to be how it works. So not unlike other set ups in that the zoned school is the one that has to give you a place, others outside your zone you can apply to but they don't have to give a place and I would imagine for popular in demand schools there would be a wait list or a long list of parents applying to them too. If you want to be sure of a place at a school, live in the zone.



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I know a number of children attending schools outside their catchment areas for various reasons and my impression is that, despite the "official" Education Department policy, it isn't actually enforced...and probably wouldn't be unless the desired school was at full capacity.


One of the above families had the children attending a day care centre close to the mother's employment and the parents wanted them to progress to the attached primary school with the peer group they knew. In another family the parents have separated and are living in different catchment areas - neither of which is the same as the school's - and the children spend alternate weeks with each parent. It's also quite common for children to be cared for after school by relatives (particularly grandparents) so the school needs to be accessible for the carers. In one other family I know - they just preferred school x over school y and had no problem. So, unless Snug school was bursting at the seams, I'd be surprised if you had any problem.

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Out of area enrolments are generally not a problem but a school is very much in charge of whether they choose to take an out of area kid or not. If a class is at capacity and to enrol another kids at that year level would take them over the limit then they may say no but in fact it doesn't often happen. Occasionally Ed Depts will try and stop a haemorrhage from a school that is not doing well by enforcing a no out of area ban on closer schools but, again, that doesn't happen often.

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Great - thank you so much for that. The schools are a huge consideration for me when choosing where to live - even though it seems far away he will be at school before we know it I'm sure!


Skani, whereabouts in Hobart are you? We currently live on the west coast buy looking at moving down the channel - Kettering, Margate, Snug etc.


Anyone got any experiences of the schools down the channel way?

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I'm in South Hobart. I did have friends living in Kingston who moved their child from Kingston to Margate and were very happy with the move, despite the extra driving to and fro required. But that was many years ago so the situation may have changed. There is a PIO member called Tastastic who moved from the UK to south of Hobart around last Christmas. I'm not sure exactly where they are but she was researching schools in the Kingston and southwards area. When she was last on here she was very happy with the way the children had settled. It may be worth sending her a Private Message.

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On reflection and a quick search through old threads, bobby122, I'm not sure if it was Tastastic who was researching schools south of Kingston...it may have been another poster. I can remember having a conversation on PIO about schools in Blackmans Bay and also the Cygnet - Channel area with somebody. :confused:


It would be somewhere on the Tasmania subforum:



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