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RSMS 187 visa


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Hi Guys


I got in touch with an employer through seek from Canberra in Feb 2015I was in melbourne). He was happy with my work so I contacted a migration agent in June 2015. He lodged my RCB in july 2015. It took 3 months for RCB to get approved. Then he took another month to lodge business nomination. Business nomination got approved in July 2016 (after7 and half months). Finally 187 got lodged last month and I rang immigration office PESE sydney, they said I am again in the queue and it might take 8-9 months more. Why my agent haven't lodged it all together ? I would been PR by now. Anyhow, my question is what should I do now to expedite my visa application. its been an year and 3 months since I have been working with my employer, waiting again for 8-9 months, its so frustrating. My employer has been very helpful though, best guy I have ever worked with.




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Actually applying visa and nomination togather time saviour only if u r sure that your nomination is going to approve, if you are not sure about nomination approval then applying visa and nomination separately will be better, because in case of refusal you will lost your money on visa application straightway, so can't say is it good or bad. But you got nomination approval, you will get your visa for sure , just need to be patient

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So according to you guys.. its worth to apply nomination and visa together..

if its in luck it will surely come up to you.

One question .. is RCB perth the hardest.. someone told me.. someone says it takes 3 months for rcb to get cleared,

some says 1 week, website says 28 days.. who is right ?

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I will recommend to apply nomination and RCB altogether, if you got proof of advertisement and other required stuff, it will come through positive. As nomination takes 6 months or more so doesn't matter whatever time your RCB takes, atleast you will be in the queue for nomination. Secondly, nomination doesn't have any fee. If we are hiring a migration agent, he/she should be capable enough to tell the rough idea about the outcome before hand as they do this on daily basis and they charge a fortune too.

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