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Which visa to go for 189 or 190??


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Hi all,


Myself and my husband are looking to migrate and initially the idea seemed quite simple; I am an early years teacher, my job was on the SOL for Adelaide (where we would like to settle ideally), fine we can apply for the skilled nominated permanent 190 visa. Since the new SOL has been released my occupation is only on the supplement list, which means I need 80 points, which is unachievable. But my husbands job is on the SOL, he is a sales and marketing manager which has 'high availablity.' But we are not 100% sure he meets ALL the requirements. He has a University degree and 8 years experience within events and marketing.


We have been in contact with an agent and he now recommends we go down the General Skilled Migration 189 visa route, with myself still as the lead.


But we are just very confused, which Visa is more likely to actually succeed? How do we know we are doing what is right? Help, please!

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Hi Castling -


Assessing likelihood of success at a skilled visa can be complex, primarily because you're dealing with potentially three different sets of rules and requirements - the skills assessor's, the state sponsorship authority's, and the immigration department's rules. If you're looking for options or a confirmation of the advice from your agent, I'd recommend contacting another agent (or even 2 if you'd like) who are familiar with the skilled visa program and offer consultations, and getting essentially a second opinion. Many agents charge a nominal fee for consultations since the time and effort to do a proper assessment of eligibility for a skilled visa is not a simple or quick task if done correctly and thoroughly, taking into account all three sets of rules. But a thorough assessment is what's needed (in my view), as in the migration realm, sometimes what seems like a very small detail may end up causing substantial consequences later on.


I hope you don't take this post as me trying to "drum up business" for myself or other agents - it's not - in this case, however, what you need is a detailed, thorough assessment to see which one of you is the better candidate for primary applicant given all the factors at play. Whether you do the research yourself with the various authorities or engage professional assistance, the key is to end up with all the facts you need to make an informed decision about whcih way to proceed with your plans to migrate.


Hope this helps -




Mark Northam

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Hi Mark,


I appreciate your quick and detailed reply. I am looking into the 189 visa more now and the more I look the more confusing it gets! Do I need to do SkillsSelect if going for a 189 visa? Or do I go straight to AITSL to do my application for assessment?

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Hi all,


Myself and my husband are looking to migrate and initially the idea seemed quite simple; I am an early years teacher, my job was on the SOL for Adelaide (where we would like to settle ideally), fine we can apply for the skilled nominated permanent 190 visa. Since the new SOL has been released my occupation is only on the supplement list, which means I need 80 points, which is unachievable. But my husbands job is on the SOL, he is a sales and marketing manager which has 'high availablity.' But we are not 100% sure he meets ALL the requirements. He has a University degree and 8 years experience within events and marketing.


We have been in contact with an agent and he now recommends we go down the General Skilled Migration 189 visa route, with myself still as the lead.


But we are just very confused, which Visa is more likely to actually succeed? How do we know we are doing what is right? Help, please!


If you meet the requirements for a 189, this would be a better option as it avoids the necessity for state sponsorship.


If you are an Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher and can pass a skills assessment in this occupation, then state sponsorship is unnecessary unless you are short on points.


Sales and marketing manager would be more difficult as it is not on the SOL and is assessed by AIM, whose criteria for assessment are quite high.

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