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plastering wage

martin g

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Hard to say, Perth is quiet right now and coming into winter doesn't help either, Melbourne or Brisbane could be bit better ? But that's not to say you couldn't get work in Perth. If you are very good/quick you would prob be ok anywhere but just a guess really. October/November is when it tends to pick up here but Australia is slow at the moment so make sure you have money with you or are prepared to do other work just in case no plastering work. Also most tradie jobs tend to be self employed here.

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I would say definitely go east. Living in Sydney is extremely expensive so I'd go for Brisbane or Melbourne.


There used to be a big shortage of tradies in Australia because they could all earn so much money in the mines. With the downturn in mining, large numbers of them are losing those jobs and returning home to their former trade. That makes it tough for new migrants coming in, and it's definitely worse in Perth than anywhere else - which is why I say go for Brisbane or Melbourne.


I assume you've got your visa etc all sorted.

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