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Northern Ireland, UK to Perth, WA - Removal Quotes 2015/16

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Hi Everyone,We are currently in the process of getting agents from removal companies to come out and survey our belongings we wish to take with us on our move to Perth.I'm just posting this thread to see if anyone has moved from a similar part of the world in the last 12-18 months so we can maybe learn from their experiences and gain knowledge of which company is the most competitive in regards value and standard of service. At the end of the day it will be our very important personal belongings so we want to go with the company that guarantees the best service and whom we can trust.We are a family of 6, 2 adults and 4 kids (9,6,4 & 14 weeks) and mid-way through the visa process with an experienced agent so we hope to be moving October/November 2016. I have been working in Perth for over a year on a rotational basis and we have decided it is definitely for us in what will be a life long dream come true.Feedback very welcome and if we can advise on issues we have come up against we will be more than willing to help.Cheers

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I had a few quotes a couple of years ago when we were thinking of emigrating, but had to put it all on hold for family reasons.

We will now be going in Dec/Jan (depending on when our visa is confirmed).

I know of the three quotes, Pickfords offered the best service, although they weren't the cheapest.

One of the firms said it would be possibly cheaper to get the contents removed to Liverpool, and then use an English shipping firm for onward transportation, as NI firms charged more than their English counterparts. If that was indeed the case, and I need to do a little more research myself on this, I would be tempted to use a local firm like McGimpseys.

We have done quite a bit of research and so if you wanted to have a chat at some point, private message me, and we can talk.


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I can't answer your question re shipping but thought I would say hello as we are also moving to Perth from Northern Ireland in October. We've three little ones...3 year old twins and a 2 year old. We are looking into the move cube rather than a container as we aren't taking very much (well that's the plan!). Where are you moving to in Perth?

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Hi My family and I are looking to move to Adelaide from Northern Ireland if all goes well before Christmas.

As for removal companies I have tried a couple of which only one McGimpseys have returned a quote. I spoke to someone from their firm and I was suitably impressed. He said that a some of the nationwide agents, sub contract the work to them but add a mark up to the customer for the privilege. How true this is I can't comment.

I have spoke to another "local" carrier but they don't seem to want the business as they have not responded with a written quote.

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