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Nurse private or public sector?


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i am a registered uk nurse moving to Australia at the end of the year with my Aussie partner. Can anyone give me some info on working conditions for nurses over there? Differences between public and private sector in terms of hours/pay etc?


I currently work in an acute medical ward in Scotland and would like to know what to expect if the role of nurses is any different to over here where the is manic and understaffed.


thanks in advance

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I haven't worked in the UK as an RN for 25 years so can't compare, but I have worked in both the public and private sector and both have problems with staffing levels. I, personally wouldn't work in the private sector again - its all about the money (for them). I think you are better protected in the public sector. In my personal experience, the public sector offers better pay and, a little better, staffing levels. Maybe others have a different experience.

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I moved to Australia in February 2014 and soon afterwards started working at a private hospital. I thought staffing levels in the UK were bad enough, but was amazed to find out they were worse in my new job! I had already applied for casual work in a couple of the public hospitals, so chased these applications and was able to drop my hours at the private hospital and picks up shifts in one of the these. Although still very busy, I found the staffing much better and felt more supported. I can't speak for the whole of Australia as this was in Adelaide, but after this experience I definitely wouldn't chance working in the private sector again. That said, someone I worked with at the public hospital had previously worked in the Mater Hospital (private) in Sydney and found the staffing levels good, so it sounds like it varies from place to place. Here's (from my experience) some advantages and disadvantages:


Private hospitals - advantages

- Didn't take long to get the job. I applied, had an interview shortly afterwards and started at the next available induction day. It took less than a month from applying to starting the job

- From what I can gather, there is more chance of obtaining an employer sponsored visa than from public hospitals


Private hospitals - disadvantages

- Lower paid

- Worse staffing

- Less teaching. I was told early on that CPD was done mainly in our own time as they couldn't spare us the hours

Public hospitals - advantages

- Better staffing

- More teaching

- Better pay


Public hospitals - disadvantages

- It can take a long time to get a job from applying to starting (although this may vary from state to state). I applied for 2 hospitals in March 2014 and had to chase the applications as I hadn't heard anything. I had interviews in May and June and started working at one hospital in August. It helped that I had contacted one of the managers before I left England. I ended up withdrawing my application from the other one in August / September as I had enough work and was still waiting for a start date. We moved to WA later that year. I had a phone interview for a job there in September, and was offered a start date in January. Keeping in contact with potential employers and chasing applications seems to help move things along.

- They can be subject to job freezes. I live in WA so can't speak for any other state, but there is one here at present whereby only short term / casual contracts are being offered. This may change at the end of the financial year (beginning of July)

- Unless you live in rural areas, I think you're unlikely to obtain an employer sponsored visa


If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask x

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Melbourne health still offering sponsorship...I had interview with qld health and started under 4 weeks later which I thought was quite quick...I have worked in 4 different public sector jobs and although the staff always think that they are short staffed it is over staffed by uk standards...I feel pay is fair and good professional development opportunities. I had a look round some private hospitals and had couple interviews but decided against it, they appeared to be focused purely on money and didn't even try to hide that fact...and staff benefits didn't seem as good. I will only want to work for public sector.

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I'm currently doing my registration paperwork. Registration year runs June to June for all of Australia. I worked agency a long time ago in Adelaide then Brisbane. I left medical receiving in Glasgow to a private hospital, one nurse four patients. My friend had left acute surgical too. We thought staffing levels were amazing but I think the private sector is becoming more "tight" and cutting costs... I will see how it goes. Ppl I've met knew girls working in private hospitals and I think employment law here different.. So many ppl been fired and there is a who you know culture too. I'm hoping to do casual.. I worked in I u for ten years then a go surgery before I left... Don't know what to do now...

where ru based doing acute medicine? Scotnurse91?

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I'm in Ayrshire in an acute medical ward, mostly respiratory and infectious diseases. We do tend to get everything in the ward though. Can you send me in the right direction of where to go looking for work? I need to get organised as my partner who is Aussie is desperate to get back home now. Two years in Scotland has been enough for him I see Ramsay health coming up a lot but not sure where to look. Thanks.

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I'm in Ayrshire in an acute medical ward, mostly respiratory and infectious diseases. We do tend to get everything in the ward though. Can you send me in the right direction of where to go looking for work? I need to get organised as my partner who is Aussie is desperate to get back home now. Two years in Scotland has been enough for him I see Ramsay health coming up a lot but not sure where to look. Thanks.


Whereabouts in Australia are you planning on moving to? Some people find agency work helpful when they first arrive - that way you can 'try out' a few hospitals and find out if you'd like to work in any of them. I don't know much about Ramsey, but Healthcare Australia seems to be quite a large agency whom I know a few people that found work through them. Do some research and look at where you'd like to work and contact managers directly. When I found work at an Adelaide public hospital (mentioned in my post above), it helped a lot that I had been in touch with them beforehand. Also, the job application for the private hospital I worked at had closed, but I emailed the manager and asked her to consider me for any future positions and received a phone call offering an interview within a few minutes of contacting her. Good luck! x

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