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Carpenter Perth


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Hi everyone,


We arrived In Perth a few weeks ago, my husband is a Carpenter to trade and looking for work he's applied to every job he has seen but there's been no joy, if anyone knows of any work or people looking for carpenters your help would be much appreciated :smile:

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Does he have his Blue card and any other licences WA require? If not this may not be helping.. Also search local newspaper job ads and door knock company's as lots of smaller places do not advertise on the bigger job sites. Good luck ,i hope he finds something soon


Cal x

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Hi Cal


He has his white card which I believe replaced the blue card and has his Australian qualifications and a WA license, we have drove round sites asking if anyone is looking he has also got a list of carpenter companies and has been calling them too, quite a few have taken his number and have said they'll call when things pick up but the thing wer being told is that there is a downturn just now and things should pick up in the next month or so which isn't ideal

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