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Health checks - cumulative?!


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My other half got his IELTS results this morning and passed with flying colours. Now it's my turn to get nervous!


The children and I have a few minor health problems between us. When the medical checks are assessed, will they add up all the potential additional expenses for all 5 of us together, or do we each have our own limit? I presume they will add up potential expenses for all of my ailments together to see if I breach the limit.


Just to clarify, I have epilepsy which is completely controlled with medication. And my hearing is not good, but I'm fine and can operate perfectly normally when I'm wear hearing aids in both ears. (I am due to have an operation which will hopefully help matters and may even make the hearing aid unnecessary - but that's a long shot!)


My eldest son (11) was diagnosed with high functioning autism, but he really IS high-functioning - he has been assessed as being in the top 1% of his age group and won a scholarship to a private school. He doesn't have any extra help in class and he hasn't seen a doctor for 5 years so, even though I know autism can be a bit of a red flag to the Australian authorities, I'm hopeful that there won't be any issues for him.


My youngest son (7) has minor problems with his speech. His sounds are very 'slushy' and he cannot say 'j' or 'g' or 'ch' so his speech isn't very clear, although he can be easily understood. He's not having official speech therapy at the moment, but he is taken out of class a couple of times a week for a session with the school's SENCO. He's also very small for his age (2nd centile).


So individually all fairly minor, but collectively are we likely to make an immigration officer shudder and reach for the rejection stamp?!

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Oh waht an interesting question, I have never ever seen anyone ask about "cumulative" health issues before. I always thought it was based on an individual I must admit, but just never thought about it.


Minor health issues do not generally result in visa denials, although they can slow the process down a little. However I agree that some of the things you have mentioned will be red flags, like the autism, but it doesn't mean it is insurmountable either. Have you spoken to a migration agent? It is certainly something I would do before paying a visa fee.

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Yes, we're using GoMatilda. They dismissed our concerns and seem to think we should be fine, but there's that nagging feeling of "well they would say that, wouldn't they?!" - they want our money! My son's autism is not typical - it's very mild, he is very tactile, very talkative and comes across as pretty normal most of the time. As long as he doesn't insult the doctor with some brutally honest and deeply personal observation, I'm hopeful he will come through any interview unscathed...

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Yes, we're using GoMatilda. They dismissed our concerns and seem to think we should be fine, but there's that nagging feeling of "well they would say that, wouldn't they?!" - they want our money! My son's autism is not typical - it's very mild, he is very tactile, very talkative and comes across as pretty normal most of the time. As long as he doesn't insult the doctor with some brutally honest and deeply personal observation, I'm hopeful he will come through any interview unscathed...


Go Matilda are incredibly highly respected and if they are confident its not an issue, then I would be confident its not. Which I am not surprised about as they are really looking for things that may be a major drain on Australia.

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Yes, we're using GoMatilda. They dismissed our concerns and seem to think we should be fine, but there's that nagging feeling of "well they would say that, wouldn't they?!" - they want our money! My son's autism is not typical - it's very mild, he is very tactile, very talkative and comes across as pretty normal most of the time. As long as he doesn't insult the doctor with some brutally honest and deeply personal observation, I'm hopeful he will come through any interview unscathed...


I would be comfortable of Go Matilda do not see this as an issue. I don't think that "they would just say that" either. Migrwtion agents like to have high success rates, it is good for business. Good luck with your process.

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Well that all sounds very hopeful - thank you! Although when we signed up with Go Matilda, my husband mentioned my health problems and didn't even think to mention the autism (I told you it was mild - we don't even think about it most of the time). So when he went back and told them, we'd already signed up with them. But I guess if their reputation is that good, they would have been honest about the implications anyway.


Fingers crossed! :)

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