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Toads in Brisbane


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We lived in Hendra and there were so many toads in the evening. We had two dogs and were so worried as they are poisonous to dogs.


Are all the suburbs in Brisbane overrun with toads? Is there anything you can do to deter them etc?



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Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome to Queensland. Yes Cane toads are everywhere unfortunately. The best way is to start disposing of them in a humane way. People say spray them and the yard with dettol but I think it's a cruel way for them to die. There are a couple of dogs out there that no exactly what to do with cane toads so that they get high but don't suffer from the deadly toxin. The best thing is to keep your dogs inside at night or fence their area off so that the toads can't get in.

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Our garden is toad party central at night. Part of life here, I think!!


We went out one night to collect a relative from the airport and it had been raining and there were 1000's of them all over the road. Looked like some kind of apocalypse!!! Couldn't avoid them and there were lots of squashed ones in the morning!!

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We lived in Hendra and there were so many toads in the evening. We had two dogs and were so worried as they are poisonous to dogs.


Are all the suburbs in Brisbane overrun with toads? Is there anything you can do to deter them etc?




It doesn't help you really, but no I don't think all areas are the same. I haven't seen a toad in my yard for a long time though I'm sure the odd one must be around. I see the odd one down on the cycle path by the creek. When I was a kid they were all over the lawn at night, so it seems like it must be different in different areas. Similar to mosquitoes I guess.


To avoid both mosquitoes and toads remove all possible water sources from your garden. Old plant pots, buckets, ponds etc....

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I only find toads every now and again, only seem to have 2 or 3 in the back garden or on the front veranda so i cannot say overrun. I used to freak out when we first moved here but i just leave them now and the dogs dont bother with them so they dont cause us any issues. I haven't seen any since the temps dropped this last week or two, but we have had some beautiful green tree frogs replace them..


Cal x

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We had a couple resident in our back garden back in November/December eating all the Christmas bugs at night by our back door but when the bugs stopped they vanished and haven't seen one since. I thought they were cute but then we don't have young kids or dogs. The very occasional one is squashed on the roads hereabouts in summer. Clearly it must be the luck of the draw whether you see them much or not.

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