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Mole removal


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Hi, my daughter(11 y.o.) has two moles which needs to be removed.

We would like laser treatment only.

Should we go to dermatologist or we can go directly to any laser clinic?

Our insurance is private, no medicare

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Don't know about moles but I needed a lump removed from my face and found a (private) cosmetic surgeon to do it, then dropped into my GP surgery to ask for a referral. By the GP referring you, you get quite a bit back from Medicare, as long as it's a medical issue not a purely cosmetic thing.

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I've had a couple moved by surgery, and a bcc on my nose removed by some gel that in activated by ultra violet. I would see a dermatologist. I don't have faith in those little private clinics, but maybe that's just me.


Funyy, when I read this I thought it was a gardening thread.

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