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Resident Return Visa 155 w/o 2 years residence - is family enough of a "tie" to the country?


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Hi all


Little background: I have been granted Permanent Residency (visa subclass 190 - Skilled Nominated) back in Feb/2014. For a few reasons, I have not made my permanent move to Australia yet, and I may not be able to do so before my visa expires, in Feb/2019.


If that happens, I do not have anything that the DIBP would consider "compelling and compassionate reasons" for being outside Australia, in order to be awarded an RRV visa 157.


So I am wondering if I would be able to demonstrate ties to Australia that would justify an RRV visa 155, which in this case would be the fact that both of my brothers are permanent residents and currently live in Australia.


Would this suffice as a tie to the country? I know that this is one kind of acceptable tie, but I am guessing that I would need more than that? Just thought I'd check.


Thanks in advance

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